Have your books with you. I want you to read up on the historical/cultural background of "The Early Modern Period" as well as some works. In my next blog, I will give you some questions to answer and some terms to know. Expect a quiz on the material, as assigned. For example, any material that is to be completed in class on Tuesday is subject to a quiz on Thursday.
All the questions will be taken from the blog or discussed in class.
Begin reading "The Early Modern Period" (pp. 391- 411). Next, read the background on Sir Philip Sidney (pp. 590-592). Finish for homework.
Very likely a reading quiz. Then we will read the excerpted parts of Sidney's "Astrophil and Stella." Next we will read a little about Isabella Whitney (p. 611). We will read her poem "I. W. To Her Unconstant Lover" in class.
For homework, read the background on Queen Elizabeth (pp.616-618).
Begin reading about "Government and Self-Government" (pp. 632-633). Read about William Tyndale and the excerpt from his "The Obedience of a Christian Man" (pp. 633-634). Read about Juan Luis Vives and his excerpts from "Instruction of a Christian Woman" (634-635). Read about Sir Thomas Elyot and the excerpt from "The Book Named Governor" and "Defence of Good Women" (635-638). Definitely expect a quiz on Tuesday.