Make sure that you have your textbooks (Volume B). The substitute will check that you do (with your name written in it and with the corresponding number identifying you for a grade). Definite reading quiz on Frankenstein (through volume I). Turn in. Turn to "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" in your textbooks. Read and answer questions. Turn in. You must answer all questions individually and completely, using evidence from the assigned text.
For Thursday, you should have read through Volume II. This should be easy to accomplish as you have most of the class period to do this.
You will have time to ask any questions about the assigned reading. I might review a few things of importance, so bring your notebooks. Expect a reading quiz on Volume II and on "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" on Friday. If you are prepared and have kept up with the reading, this should make Friday's reading quiz easy.
Reading quiz on assigned readings. Begin reading the weekend's homework. You should finish the novel over the weekend. Expect a reading quiz on Tuesday.