I have decided to compromise on the test. I told you that there would be a test last week but it is apparent that it is not on my blog--either last week's or this week's. Sorry. The essay involves analyzing a Romantic-era poem. Therefore, I will give you 30 minutes to read pp. 2-10 in your textbooks on Romantic poetry. You may jot down some notes if that helps you to remember better but you will not be able to use those notes on the actual essay. Then you will have 30-40 minutes (about the time you would have taken in class) to write an essay about the poem. The essay portion of the test only counts 20 points but you should be able to do a great job with this kind of preparation.
The rest of the test (matching and short answer) will be taken on Thursday during class.
Matching and short-answer part of the unit test on the Romantics and Pygmalion. You do not need any paper and you may not use your books or notes.
BRING YOUR TEXTBOOKS--VOLUME II--just in case. Read introduction to Elizabeth Barrett Browning (528-529) for homework, starting in class if you finish early.
We will read Browning's sonnets.