Sunday, October 26, 2008

Quarter One, Week Nine: Note Change

You are a quarter of the way there, seniors. Hang in there. The next few weeks are going to be challenging--writing essays to colleges, getting letters of recommendation, etc. It will all be over in January, though, so you are at least half-way through this.

Quick review of texts. I am also working on another hand-out that might give you greater insight into Yeats and his works. It should be ready on Tuesday and it may help you understand Oisin better. It may also help you understand yourselves better. The whole idea of this assignment is to teach you how to see yourself in a work of literature. When you do that, it becomes accessible.

Thursday: In-class prompt. I expect you to write the entire period. If you finish a complete draft in half-an-hour, then revise it. Make it as good as you possibly can.
No homework for Thursday night.

Friday: We will begin the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales but I am not going to give you any homework. You worked hard enough on your in-class essay. Enjoy the weekend and your Tuesday off!