We will read "The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales" in class. Because some of you will be attending "Twelfth Night" at Blackfriar's, we will begin reading that for homework. Read the background. All students will be expected to read Act I for homework. On Thursday, certain students will be assigned parts. They will act out those parts in class on Friday (with a few minutes for preparation). They may use their books and read, but should be willing to physically (to a limited degree) act out their parts. You will be graded on your delivery.
Friday: Possible quiz on the Prologue. Next, students will be given 10 minutes to prepare to act out Act I. If we finish that, you will get the "Introduction to the Wife of Bath's Tale." We will do that in class. Different students (and some of the same for those who had small parts in Act I) will be assigned parts and should prepare to present on Tuesday. All students must read Act II.