Monday, November 17, 2008

Quarter 3, Week 3

Sorry this is a day late, folks. My internet service was down for most of the weekend. I'm hoping it will be up when I get home today. If not, I have this time at school.

Tuesday: Review the Wife of Bath's Tale.
Perform Acts 4 &5 of "Twelfth Night." If there is anyone who wants to see the play, contact Ms. Sheppard ASAP. Apparently a lot of students signed up and then backed out. That means it will cost us money. We have over 30 slots available. The cost (for a day out of school that does not count against your school absences since it is a school activity) is only $39--for transportation and theater tickets. The event will be on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. What a great way to start a holiday!

Homework: Expect a reading quiz on "The Wife of Bath's Tale," and Acts 3-5 of "Twelfth Night."

Thursday: Reading quiz on all of the above. Hopefully, we'll have time to go over it in class. Read the background to William Shakespeare and about his sonnets (733-736). Read all of the sonnets included. Take notes on to whom they are addressed and on what they are literally saying. Paraphrase. What is he saying about the relationship?

Work on sonnets. Follow Shakespeare's pattern, with the rhyme scheme: ababcdcdefefgg. You must have ten syllables per line. On Tuesday, when you turn them in, you should include rough drafts done during class. Sonnets are always about love. Remember that.

Friday: Discussion on the sonnets. Then you will be asked to write one--Shakespearean style--for a test grade. It must follow the rhyme and meter scheme and, since it is a sonnet, it must be about love. This will be due at the beginning of class (along with any drafts you might have done) on Tuesday. It must be typed, so plan ahead.