Sunday, September 28, 2008

Quarter One, Week 5


You will have time to work on your speeches. We will meet in room 234, but then we will go to the computer lab--121. In addition, I will expect to see a timed rehearsal of the speech. This project is worth three test grades, so take it seriously. I am. 

Present speeches. As I said on the hand-out, all will be presented, whether your designated speaker is present or not. So have a back-up plan. If other things interfere, then the speeches should be finished by Friday. I expect to get them all done today, however.

Remember that 20% of your grade (for the written speech) comes from the process part. You should have more than one rough draft (with hand-written marks). 

Homework: Make sure that you have read the Irish material--in the book (designated last week) and on the blog and hand-out (the story of Finn). 

Possible quiz on the story of Finn. I should have more material on Finn's son, Oisin, by Thursday. Next week, we will read William Butler Yeats' modern take on it, his epic poem, "The Wanderings of Oisin."