Saturday, September 13, 2008

Quarter One, Week Three


I will check to see that students have done the first drafts of a college essay. I will also see that you have described your house and the homes around you.

All students will say what they chose to write about and why--without reading their essays.

Next, I will give you a hand-out on editing your essay.  You will use that to make some changes in class.  You may also exchange your essay with another student and get some feedback. 

We will spend about 20 minutes reading aloud from "Beowulf." I recommend that you take notes as you go along. 

For homework, do another draft of your essay. Bring in both drafts by Thursday. 

You must finish Book II of "Beowulf," "Grendel's Mother," by the following Tuesday. Expect a reading quiz. 


You may want to share what you have written.  I want to see two complete drafts, however.  There will be time for peer-editing with the rubric I provided on Tuesday. I will also walk around the room and give what feedback I can. While I am doing that, you can work on revising your own work or continue to read "Grendel's Mother."


Turn in the three drafts of your essay.  You should have made some more changes after getting feedback on Thursday. They will be graded according to the rubric I gave you for editing on Tuesday.  I will count the finished draft as a test grade, so find the time to have it typed. 

You may continue reading from "Beowulf" on your own, taking notes, and, especially, answering the questions I provided. Also, when I included quotes, know why those quotes are important.